Friday, August 4, 2023

04 August - US Coast Guard Day


US Coast Guard Day is observed annually on August 4th to commemorate the founding of the United States Coast Guard (USCG). On this day, the nation honors the men and women who serve in the Coast Guard and their contributions to safeguarding the country's maritime interests and protecting its waters.

The US Coast Guard was established on August 4, 1790, when President George Washington signed into law the Tariff Act, which authorized the construction of ten revenue cutters to enforce federal tariff and trade laws and prevent smuggling. These early cutters, which were the predecessors of the modern Coast Guard, played a vital role in protecting American ports and ensuring the security of the nation's coastal waters.

Over the years, the Coast Guard's mission has evolved and expanded to include various roles such as search and rescue operations, maritime law enforcement, environmental protection, ice breaking, and maintaining navigational aids, among others.

On US Coast Guard Day, various events and ceremonies are held across the country to pay tribute to the service and dedication of Coast Guard members. It is a day to recognize their bravery, commitment to duty, and the sacrifices they make to protect and serve the American people and the nation's maritime interests.

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