Friday, November 28, 2014

My Blog Link in Australian Journal of Philately - Australian Philatelic Society

My Blog link in the Australian Journal of Philately (Incorporating: The Date Stamp and Australian Journal of Postal History) No. 122 for December 2012

Check the link : Australian Journal of Philately

Subscription to Australian Philatelic Society 

The annual subscription: 

In Australia: $A25.00 (Australian Journal of Philately by surface); 
Asia/Pacific including New Zealand: $A30.00 (airmail*); USA, Canada, Europe etc: $A35.00 (airmail*).

Joining fee for new members $A10. Society members receive four copies of The Australian Journal of Philately each year . (* airmail is now the only AP option)

Website address: 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Google doodles home page - India's first stamp of August 15

Today the  doodle on the Google India home page this year is a familiar symbol - independent India's first stamp. The first stamp issued by free India was months after Independence on November 21, 1947 and it depicted the Indian national flag with the popular slogan - "Jai Hind (Long Live India)" written in Hindi. The stamp was valued at three and one-half annas

From :

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Exibition of Indian National Flag

Exhibition on Indian National Flag  at Rabindranath Tagore Center , ICCR, Kolkata, 15th to 20th August, 2014.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Latest Stamp Issue India Post - INS Vikramaditya

India Post released a stamp depicting INS Vikramaditya on 4th December 2014.

Check out article on the INS Vikramaditya by Mansoor B on his blog

Other article on INS Vikramaditya